Thursday, December 09, 2004

Lots of Updates: Thesis First

I've been really bad about updating this blog lately...I guess defending my thesis did that to me. So here we go, the first in a series of posts updating everything.
First off:
I PASSED!!! :)
I successfully defended my Master thesis on 12/1/2004. :) I spent this past weekend working on my final version of my thesis text, which I finally uploaded "for good" on Monday in the late afternoon. Yes, now if you go looking, you can find "Analysis of Grasp Requirements For Telerobotic Satellite Servicing" in between my dad's Master's theses and my mom's PhD.

As a combination graduation and Christmas gift, my folks gave me a Canon Power Shot A95 digital camera. I put up some new photos on My Photo Index that were taken with the new camera. Not a bad shot, if I do say so myself. :)

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