Sunday, February 05, 2012

One Month Done

201201 photo365 by terpkristin
201201 photo365, a photo by terpkristin on Flickr.

Well, we're a bit more than 1/12 through 2012 and so far, I have managed to take a photo every day except January 1st. I used Picasa to create a collage of the 30 photos I posted for January in my Photo 365 project.

Oz was featured prominently in January, mostly as a result of working long hours. I have two favorite photos, and both are of clouds. I really liked the colors in the sky of the picture I took on the 4th of January. I also liked the puffiness of the clouds and the framing of the photo on the 27th.

Hopefully February will bring a few more outdoors shots. Maybe some more cooking shots, too....


Jean | Delightful Repast said...

What a darling cat! How can you say one of the non-cat pictures is your favorite! Keep those kitty pictures coming, even if you do manage to get out more.

kristin said...

Don't let his looks fool you, Jean, he's a monster. ;) But he's my monster. :D And he knows he's got me wrapped around his paw (as it were).

JulienBrightside said...

Seems like a cool project.